Well as the old saying goes: If you don't laugh you'll cry, well I've been laughing all afternoon.
Yesterday afternoon was spent getting the gearstick shortened and a blanking cover made and did it work, off course it did; the stick moved lovely and was just the right height.
I even had Lynne standing there making a video of how well it worked.Well that was yesterday, today was a different matter.
I decided to get a few jobs out of the way first, the exhaust manifolds had their second coat of high temp paint before we went out this morning and their were nice and dry to fit.
I have been a bit disappointed with the spray on high temp paint so I bought a tin of 600 degC paint from ebay and it went on well and dried quickly. I am still determined to build my own exhaust system, but I need to get the engine run up and tested so until I am all happy I shall stick with what I have, for the time being anyway.
The exhaust manifolds went on easily, only 4 bolts either side and they look quite good.
The next job was the rocker cover that would not fit because of the alternator being in the way, as I thought there was still plenty of movement in the slotted bracket. I simply slackened off all of the bolts and pushed the alternator further over and re-tightened, I had to torque down the cylinder head bracket, just hope it has not made the head gasket weaker in that area.
Both rocker covers on.
It was the third job I had planned that caused the problems.
I had greased the drive shaft knuckle joints and got under the car with it when I realised I may have a problem, it did not cross my mind at any time when I decided on the extension and test fitted it on the bench to try the drive shaft in place to see if it would foul.
Did it foul; of course it B*""#Y did, the knuckle joint on the shaft is perfectly positioned to just tap against the gear rod with every revolution.
Not much chance of making it work without re-designing the drive shaft so the knuckle was about an inch further back, so out it came and in the bin.
So it looks like it is back to the long arm gearstick again which means I shall have to re-modify the gearstick to fit, I shall take it to work and make a new section there. The only option I had now was to put everything back as it was so I made up a plate to fit over the hole and welded it on.
I have been under and re-applied the burnt off underseal so that's as good as new.
Couple of days wasted here not to mention the £56 for the extension, I am a bit disappointed but still got to try these things.
Hopefully something good will happen tomorrow.
see ya Paul
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