Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Water pump, Fuel pump, Oil pump

Well that's it for another 2 weeks, back to work in the morning its been a productive if somewhat dirty 2 weeks off. Cost me 3 boiler suits this time home as they where so oily and dirty Lynne wouldn't allow them in the washing machine, good job I have spent my life collecting them from every company I have worked for; stacks in the loft.
Just little bits and pieces today, I started with the underside as I reckon I'm about done on the top till the gaskets arrive. The sump backing flange came of easily, just 4 tabs to lever over and a screwdriver under to break the rust seal, pretty bad underneath. Something I have realised and the reason I am fitting a half spoiler is that there is zero protection from the elements (anyone have a full spoiler for sale), I am hoping the half spoiler does something about this as everything above halfway up the engine is in reasonable condition for the age and everything below requires either replacing or a lot of blasting. I had to get the needle gun out to get the rust of the sump where the flange sat, it is now in the powder coating pile.
After this I had to remove the original rubber gasket, this required cutting out on the flywheel side as the circular section ran around the bearing housing or seems so. Anyway its cut now, when I come to refit I will have to get a razor on the rubber to ensure its a nice edge and a good amount of hylomar to make sure it seals. I then cleaned as much of the crank and block area as I could and it looks a whole lot better, I was a bit worried about the oil ways being blocked with gunk so I squeezed a good amount of oil in the main oil way from the filter and let it run through then put compressed air down and blew everything out, I repeated this twice and then filled with oil again. I also took the cover of the oil pump to have a look inside and was surprised at how clean this was so a good spray with lubricant then oil and put back.
The fuel pump came out next, this looks quite new so it has just has a good clean then primed and its first top coat put on.
The water pump was a bit more difficult to remove as the bolts were well rusted but I attacked them with a file until I had a reasonable hex then the next size down socket and  out they came. I fully expected the inside of the pump to be gunged up and I wasn't wrong.
Just goes to show it isn't just engine oil that need changing regularly, it was just soft sludge and cleaned off easily, then a wire brushing and like new.
I have masked off areas of the pumps and have given it a good coat of primer.
The parts I bought of eBay have arrived, the new thermostat and the thermostat housing, front and back, the Granada they came from must have better underside protection as they are in good condition and are now in the powder coat box. I also received the timing plate, a little rusty but the numbers are very prominent, just need blasting and spraying. I imagine that the oil pressure switch works just fine but I am not going to take any chances so I have ordered a new one for £8.
Well that's it on the car, now to start clearing up the mess I've made.
See ya

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